Standing at the intersection
This week is all about the iPad.
As an Apple loyalist I guess I'll own one sooner or later but for now it's fun watching the commentariat contorting to either damn the thing or else worship unquestioningly at the altar of Steve Jobs (the Economist cover is fantastic). Stephen Fry is an unashamed Apple fan and as a good writer passionate about his subject is always worth reading I recommend his paean to the iPad. I especially liked Fry's improvement on a Jobs quote from the launch: -
Apple stands at the intersection of Technology, the Liberal Arts and CommerceThe idea of the intersection is intriguing to a small-shop consultant like me. I arrived at self-employment by stepping off the road that everyone else was on and the only niche that I can genuinely inhabit must derive from the sum total of my experiences.
What is self-branding if not an exercise in standing proud at the intersection of your own talents, skills and experiences and convincing the world it's worth paying to spend some time with you?