Five lessons (large & small) from 2010
Theatre in London is hard, hard, hard
Achieving decent houses over a long run means attracting a mix of price-sensitive local regulars and brand-sensitive one-off touristsConfusing art and craft is deadly for anyone involved in a creative pursuit
Comics beware: craft is more about application than inspiration. You may know what you want to say right now but do you know how to say that thing in a way that works for the paying audience who only turned up to laugh?Improv is a pastime
Treat it as a sideline project and you're free to fly. Treat it like a job and you'll never get a mortgageAway from the world of finance, business hasn't changed all that much
Clients have much the same needs as two years ago, they're just a little more cost-sensitive and a lot more time-sensitive. They're also more risk-averse so having a prominent and trusted brand helpsCollaborations are fantastic, partnerships are dangerous
This year I've worked with wonderful and creative people on projects that have made me truly proud. At the end of each it's been great to part without making open-ended promises